The Nunez Family
Here we are with the Nunez family. 

Top row from left to right, Fernando, Cheryl's sister Deb, Dr. Fernando Nunez, Cheryl, Deb and Cheryl's dad Joe Proulx from San Diego, Cristy, Ed, in front, Roberto, Max and Mitch.

By Mitch - This is our Uncle Fernando.  He was born on the Yucatan Peninsula and he still lives there.  He is a plastic surgeon.
By Mitch - This is the first restaurant we went to when we got to the Yucatan Peninsula.  They had really good tacos.  They were called tacos Al Pastor. 

By Cheryl - Fernando is the "perfect" host. We feel like we really know our way around Merida because of him.

By Mitch - This is our aunt in front, then our second oldest cousin Fernando, and their school in back. 

By Cheryl - It was interesting to see the kid's school. It taught grades K through 12. Very different than public schools in the U.S. We were quite impressed.

By Mitch - Here is the youngest of the Nunez family.  His name is Robert.  He plays basketball.
By Mitch - Here is are odest cousin.  Her name is Cristy.  She plays Basketball and soccer.  She is really smart. 

By Cheryl - Sorry Cris, I don't really think that Mitch meant that you were the "oddest", he must have meant "oldest".

By Mitch - Here is young Fernando.  He is the tallest in there family.  He also plays basketball.
By Mitch - Cristy is about to get her drivers license! But she already drives.
By Mitch - This is our grampa.  His name is Joe.  He came to the Yucatan peninsula too. 

By Cheryl - I think that he is telling us that "there is no way we're going to drag him through all those downtown streets again unless we get a cab and we figure out where we're going".

By Cheryl - I think we were forgiven when he got a great chicken taco and a cold beer. 

By Mitch - The reason that we came here is to see a grand opening of the clinic.

By Mitch - Robert is the youngest in there family.  He is about 10" taller than Mitch. 
By Mitch - Here is a picture of Robert at the basketball opening festival with his other team mates.  He was the only one who could speak 2 languages, english and mostly spanish. 

By Ed - [The boys are asking for his autograph.  It will be worth millions when Robert becomes a basketball superstar]

By Mitch - We went to a big stadium for opening festival. 

By Cheryl - I thought kids sports were taken seriously in the U.S. It's not even close to Mexico's interest.

By Max - Robert's basketball team is really good.  They won first place in the kid [multi-state] olympics for their age.  He also won the high jump.
By Mitch - This is Robert playing basketball.  Robert's team won.  It was 74 to 12.
By Mitch - Robert's number is #8.  Robert scored 11 points.

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