Great Falls, Montana
August, 2001
We made a special stop in Great Falls, Montana in order to visit the new Lewis and Clark Museum.  The Museum is housed in a beautiful building on the Missouri River.  We were fortunate to come on a weekend when a group of reinactors had set up a living history camp at the spot where the Corp of Discovery stayed in June of 1805.

There were several displays and demonstrations set up to show us what life was like for the Corp members.  This fellow had a collection of tools and arms used on the journey.  Some of them were brought for trading with Indians.

This was one of the more interesting displays.  The cook had a cow heart cooking on the spit and was boiling intestine for sausage in the pot.  It was very hot that day and we experienced how hard it must have been for the Corp during the summer months.
This is a great display inside of the museum.  It shows how they had to pull and carry the boats up the banks to portage around rapids and waterfalls.  There used to be a series of five waterfalls on the Missouri River in the Great Falls area before they built dams.

I didn't include a lot of pictures of the museum, but it's a great place to stop and learn about the Corps of Discovery, and the land, people, animals, plants and environment they documented.

Just up river from the museum is one of the falls.  Today the river is dammed and the falls are almost dry.
Even with the windows open it would be too hot for Cocoa in the truck, so she stayed in the trailer with the fan on.  When we came out of the museum I measured the temperature on the surface of the steering wheel.  150.7 degrees F, and we had the windshield sun-screen up.
After our visit to the museum we moved on toward Glacier National Park.  We arrived near the National Park and pulled into an RV park that was listed in our campground directory.  It was about 6:00 p.m. on a weekend in August, (shouldn't it be busy here?)  But there was no one in the office and no one in the campground's host trailer.  Besides the host, (whom we never did see,) and us, there was only one other trailer in the park.  Cocoa and the boys could run anywhere they wanted to.  It was a very serene and scenic location, especially when a train chugged by pulling it's heavy load up the steep mountain pass..
Two weeks later we drove past here again and almost didn't recognize the place.  A forest fire crew had setup their base camp here.  There were tents everywhere, semi trucks with supplies, trucks with bulldozers, helicopters and water trucks.  I'm glad we stopped here when we did.
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