Yellowstone National Park
November, 1999

We had heard that Yellowstone National Park is a very crowded place.  So we were a little surprised to find that we were the only campers in the entire park.   But then, by November 17th, there should have been three to five feet of snow on the ground.  Most of the park was closed except for the north end.   The park opens again mid-December for snow vehicles and then closes again for a while in the spring between the snow and summer tourists.
We did see plenty of animals including buffalo, elk, wolves, and coyotes 

All of the signs said DON'T APPROACH THE BUFFALOS.  I was glad we were in the truck.  This is not a zoom-in shot. 

Mitch and Max each took turns driving the truck for a while through the park.

Here's a picture of the elk herd that hangs around the park buildings in Yellowstone.  It seems that elk like to be near people and buildings for some reason.  Maybe they have figured out that elk hunting is not permitted in downtown areas.

We really like our new truck. Mitch and Max seem to be all over it.


Here's the gate at the North entrance It's time for us to go.  Snow is predicted and we don't want to get stuck here until next spring

Another interesting thing that we saw in North Yellowstone was this petrified Redwood tree.

Did you know that Redwoods required a totally different ecosystem from the one that currently exists in Yellowstone?  This provides us with a reminder of how much the earth changes periodically.

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